As you may already know, running game servers doesn't only take a lot of hours of our free time, but it also requires big amounts of money. Running our RX and Ladders server alone, can cost almost 475 dollars per year. On top of that, we do not add the cost for our MH, BT, Siege servers and website hosting, which fortunately are being taken care of by =(V)=RocketJedi and of course our IG server which is paid by =(V)=D.E.M. This big amount of money required, is the reason that we have to change the hosting of our Ladders server to something more affordable. This will happen on April 6th, 2014.
The payment for our RX-8 server is due to June, 2014. With the discounts that we will be offered by our host, this server will cost 132$ for the next 6 months, or 254$ for the next 12 months. Currently we have 60$ in our donations account and we are very thankful to anyone who has contributed so far.
The amount of money needed to reach the goal of our next payment is not substantial if someone considers the big number of players we have on our server. Therefore this is the time that we ask for YOUR help in order to keep our server running and to continue offering fun to hundreds of people each month.
By clicking the ''Make a donation'' picture below you will be re-directed to a donation page made by our host, ESPECIALLY for our RX-8 server. This means that any amount of money that you offer, CANNOT be used in ANY OTHER WAY, than to make payments for the server you love playing on! Even the minimum amount of 5$ from you, will make a HUGE difference to our efforts in keeping our servers and the RX-community alive. In case you decide to donate, please notify one of the main admins of this Clan to verify your donation and give you the special ''Contributor'' rank to our forums. You can also do that by writing your forum username in the ''Optional note to recipient'' part of the donations page.
Thank you.
In case the image re-direct goes down, you can use the direct link for your donations: forum/donate
OR use the link on the TOP RIGHT of the forums